Han siktar, och han skjuter, och han sätter den!

So Brittany's playlist was supposed to be cute and silly, but I just had one of those long showers where you just stand there and ponder things, and I spent about an hour thinking about Purple People Eater.

…and it’s totally a metaphor for Santana.

I’m far more familiar with this song than I ever usually admit.  I used to sing it all the time when I was little, ever since I heard one of those cheesy little Halmark plushies singing it.  My mum, being a dork, too, would sing it with me.  So I know all the lyrics and the plotlines and meanings and such, which is probably why I worked this out of nothing.

If you haven’t really heard the whole song before, or you aren’t familiar with it, you should go listen to it.

Of course, there’s the bit that everyone knows:

It was a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater, one eyed one horned flying purple people eater, one eyed one horned flying purple people eater, sure looks strange to me~

At the beginning of the song everyone thinks it’s some terrible people-eating monster.  The words say things like:

Well I saw the thing comin’ out of the sky, it had the one long horn, one big eye, I commenced to shakin’ and I said ooh ee, it looks like a purple eater to me


Well he came down to Earth and he lit in a tree, I said Mr. Purple People Eater, don’t eat me!

But then we find out that it’s not a [one eyed one horned flying purple] [people eater], it’s a [one eyed one horned flying] [purple people eater].  It just eats purple people.  The only reason he’s there is to dance around and have a good time.

The song even ends with the Purple People Eater in a rock band.

So… I’m saying this is a metaphor to Brittany.  About Santana.

People are quick to assume that Santana’s just some cold hearted emotionless bitch.  She’s just out to hurt everyone.

But Brittany knows that she’s not.  Sure, Santana is harsh with her words, but she’s just protecting herself.  The only people Santana truly dislikes are people who are mean to Brittany, or who judge them for being gay.

All the Purple People Eater wants to do is dance??  Well all Santana wants to do is be with the girl she loves.  And obviously, I’m talking about Britt.

The songs Brittany likes are obviously more childish or silly (Purple People Eater?  Ke$ha?  Disco Duck?), but she built a playlist of songs that when looked at deeper do work as some sort of metaphor for their relationship.  Brittany thinks in a different way.  A ton of things she says mean something completely else, and I like to think that Santana is the only one who truly 100%gets Brittany.

When we saw the playlist we thought they were cute, silly, songs.  When Brittany made the playlist she was thinking about Santana, and when Santana saw the playlist she knew exactly what Brittany meant by the songs.

The Purple People Eater wasn’t a purple monster that ate people, it just ate purple people and wanted to be in a rock and roll band.

Santana’s not some cold hearted bitch, she just loves her girlfriend and wants everyone to know.

Jag vet att ingen kommer läsa det där, men jag älskar folket på Tumblr, som kommer på såååå bra teorier!



Jag har tejpat mina tummar...

Yep.. så tråkigt har jag...

Jag är hungrig... går nog och gör en sylt macka



Guten macka!


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