...Med Elsa, på msn :]

Fin fin...
"I'm just sayin' what everyone's thinking, righ baby!?"

"Hey, how ya been?"
"Rat, and you?"

Osiris urna (tror jag) Buffy, hajdemon, buffy och WELCOME BACK WILLOW, slyllt...
Äre ngn som märker att jag har tråkigt!
"c'mon Tara. I'm so old enough to do reserch"
"Oh so you do reserch now, Want a Cappuchino and a pack of cigarettes to go with that?"

Ngn, har tatuerat in Spuffy : ]


Äre NÅN (UNDERSTRUKET) som kan gissa vad jag sökte på?

Cordys dröm prins

AAAAAAW! Spuffy ♥♥

"What do you want me to do, just sit back and keep my mouth shut?"
"Well that would be a goos start"
"If I didn't loe you so damn much I would!"

Willow & Tara ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
OKej hejj hejj

Fin fin...
"I'm just sayin' what everyone's thinking, righ baby!?"

"Hey, how ya been?"
"Rat, and you?"

Osiris urna (tror jag) Buffy, hajdemon, buffy och WELCOME BACK WILLOW, slyllt...
Äre ngn som märker att jag har tråkigt!
"c'mon Tara. I'm so old enough to do reserch"
"Oh so you do reserch now, Want a Cappuchino and a pack of cigarettes to go with that?"

Ngn, har tatuerat in Spuffy : ]


Äre NÅN (UNDERSTRUKET) som kan gissa vad jag sökte på?

Cordys dröm prins

AAAAAAW! Spuffy ♥♥

"What do you want me to do, just sit back and keep my mouth shut?"
"Well that would be a goos start"
"If I didn't loe you so damn much I would!"

Willow & Tara ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
OKej hejj hejj